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Winter vacation over?

Winter vacation was over.
time to go to school, study hard.

In fact.
In korea
It is imporant to study hard during vacation, especially Winter vacation.

I guess You have spent the vacation on studying.

Why vacations are important?
While you go to school, You really scarcely have time to study alone.
The reason is that you must follow school's time table.

but Vacation is different from while you go to school.
You can estblish your own studying schedule.

If you spent winter vacation, you could study easilier.
Otherwise You wou have trouble in studying.

Dont't give up studying.
from now on, you sinserely study hader than other student.

Think possibly "I can do"
Never give up studying.

Let's remember the story " rabbit and turttle"
"Slow and steady wins the race"

You must have visin of the future.

The World will give the hard working students the bright future.

Make the studying schedule.
for example, Remember  English word in short time, and recall them.
Speak loudly and correctly, Don't write down the spelling.
Belive "Your brain is smarter than what you think"
Do this process in rest time, go home and go to school.
It is important that  when you remember English words, not time but times.

then your eyes become brighter.

Be courageous.

You can do it.

                                    y.s. kim.